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Diffrence Between MBA Vs PGDM

For each one of the individuals who wish to manufacture a profession in a senior administrative position knowing the contrast between these two courses in the first place.

Before you hurry to take the passageway tests and fill the application structures for your fantasy foundation, it is significant that you set everything straight.

One of the most difficult phases a student goes through after completing graduation is deciding on which program to go for in further higher education. However, when you want to join the bandwagon of future managers, then an MBA is the best option to move forward. Wait, there’s PGDM too! Now, what is the Diffrence Between MBA VS PGDM, or is there any difference at all? Yes, of course, both are the postgraduate level management courses. PGDM stands for Post Graduate Diploma in Management; whereas MBA is a Masters in Business Administration. Both the course have different specializations. Incidentally, many people have the idea that the market value of a diploma program (PGDM) does not match the level of a degree (MBA). Anyhow, that is just a notion. In reality, the main difference is that an MBA is a degree program conducted by Universities and colleges with affiliation to those Universities.

In this way, let us see MBA and PGDM very close.

Confirmation Degree

The preeminent distinction between both these courses is that – PGDM is a confirmation course, while MBA is a degree course.

By chance, numerous individuals have a thought that the market estimation of a recognition program (PGDM) doesn't coordinate the degree of a degree (MBA). At any rate, that is only an idea.

In all actuality, the primary contrast is that MBA is a degree program led by Universities and schools with association to those Universities.

The certificate program, i.e., PGDM is the course that is led by those self-ruling organizations that are perceived by the AICTE endorsed by the Ministry of HRD and Government of India.

Starting at now, even the IIMs offer a Diploma course and not degree. The MBA program is endorsed, all these three specialists, at any rate, it is likewise imperative to get endorsement from UGC.

At BML Munjal University, the understudy is presented the MBA degree on finishing.

In this way, it is critical to comprehend your profession targets and go for a presumed school as opposed to worrying on degree or certificate.

Accreditation Check

Since PGDM is the course that is offered by the self-sufficient bodies, you should take additional consideration to approve whether a specific school has the fundamental accreditations. Simply after affirmation should you apply for the confirmation there. There are some little schools or state establishments that don't have appropriate accreditation status. Then again, MBA degrees programs are led by the colleges, with lower odds of deceitfulness.

Prospectus and Curriculum

Another factor for separating MBA Vs PGDM is the prospectus. In most of the MBA courses; the educational program is detailed by the college and in this way is truly inflexible in that sense. Along these lines, the center schedule is required to be the equivalent in two diverse MBA schools perceived by a similar college.

On the other side, PGDM courses are planned by an organization exclusively, which prompts greater adaptability in the educational program. Indeed, even different changes are made in the prospectus consistently by changes in the business. In this manner, universities offering a PGDM program are required to be increasingly appropriate and lined up with the patterns in the corporate world.

The focal point of the Course

The center subjects of the two courses, for example MBA and PGDM are normal. In any case, the specialists guarantee that the MBA programs are progressively centered around the specialized and hypothetical angles identified with the board as opposed to the selection of commonsense information.

Then again, PGDM courses are increasingly centered around the business and its down to earth information. This course is intended to build up the abilities required in the present market. PGDM course is, along these lines, increasingly supportive for the understudies to create functional showcasing abilities with the thought of mechanical points of view.


Presently, this is absolutely one of the central point for separating both the courses, for example PGDM and MBA.

As a general perception, it uncovers that the education costs for MBA are by and large lesser when contrasted with that of the PGDM courses.

One reason behind it is that the majority of the MBA offering schools are endorsed by the legislature. Thus, they get great monetary help from the administration and subsequently getting the degree is progressively practical for the understudies.

Be that as it may, on account of PGDM, the competitor needs to hold up under all the expense for the whole program as there is no money related help offered to the school by the Government. Be that as it may, this not a standard, since you will discover numerous MBA programs with high education costs also.

Creative Teaching Methods

Preparing and instructing are multi-dimensional under PGDM; even exercises like cases, introductions, transient trainings, and recreations are the piece of instructional method.

Though the extent of advancement in MBA is likewise excellent as the prospectus is settled by the college and doesn't just turn around learned information. For eg: at BMU, we fundamentally center around our understudies and their general character as opposed to simply hypothetical information.

The foundation is essentially known to soak up genuine aptitudes among the understudies with the goal that they flourish to arrive at a platform.

Selection tests

An individual can get entrance in PGDM through CAT/MAT/ATMA/XAT and furthermore state level assessments like MHCET, TSICET. A few colleges consider just state level selection tests for MBA, yet a couple additionally acknowledge CAT and MAT.

BMU acknowledges CAT, XAT, NMAT, MAT and GMAT scores for affirmations.


As indicated by the business magazines and understudy driven sites, 90% out of the main 100 foundations offer PGDM courses in India. In any case, that doesn't imply that MBA schools are anyplace a long ways behind them.

MBA versus PGDM – Impact on Your Career

Presently, let us investigate partitioning the profession effect of these courses into two subparts, for example advanced education viewpoint and employments point of view.

Beginning with advanced education point of view; indeed, there is a significant distinction. Gaining a MBA degree causes the person to get somewhat more worth when contrasted with a confirmation.

MBA gets the individual set apart against the graduate degree; while the PGDM gets the individual set apart against a recognition. Be that as it may, that is no chance relatable to the mechanical achievement record of understudies or the distinction in information that is bestowed in the foundations!

What's more, with the point of view of finding a new line of work, there isn't any significant contrast whatsoever. Protecting a position with a top organization in the business will undoubtedly be a cakewalk if the individual originates from a rumored business college in India.

Here note that the factor which has a significant effect is the foundation of the establishment that includes the personnel, just as the instructing philosophy. In addition, the reputation and notoriety of the foundation is additionally what separates it from the rest. Consequently, obviously, a degree or confirmation from a very much presumed organization would consistently be esteemed more for evident reasons!

Consequently, in the event that you are hoping to fabricate an effective vocation way in the field of the executives, it scarcely matters what course you pick. The only thing that is important is the establishment that you go for, along these lines think for all intents and purposes at the hour of finishing organization for your administration course.


The distinction between the PGDM Vs MBA program is very surely known at this point. Along these lines, you can without much of a stretch show up at a choice remembering your vocation destinations and furthermore the contributions of these courses.

Do ensure that you set yourself up truly well for the selection tests with the goal that you can pack a seat in a presumed administration organization.

Regardless of whether you need to hold up under weighty course charges, recall that it is a one-time venture that is going to get you returns for a lifetime. So wishing you a splendid profession 

Source: http://www.imthyderabad.edu.in/programs/pgdm-course/pgdm-mba